One of the rose bushes that "came with the house."
A nice multi-colored snapdragon. If you buy these at a nursery in Boise, they're usually labeled "annuals." But they are perennials in this climate.
The yellow snapdragons have finally made their appearance. The pinks bloomed first this year.
This climbing vine blooms twice each summer. It's also a popular home for nesting house finches.
Ground cover inherited with the purchase of the house. It blooms for a few weeks.
The bloom on a very common shrub. Most people prune it into what looks to me like an uncomfortable ovoid thing. I prune mine to look more like sprays of leaves and blooms.
The bloom on a "false spirea" plant. It is a low- and slow-growing foundation planting.
This very large butterfly visited a hanging flower basket outside my office window. I scrambled to get a picture and had to take it through the screen. It's a Western Tiger Swallowtail. I've seen this type before feeding on zinnias on the yard.
Cat mint has purple blooms all summer, and it's a favorite not just with cats, but bees, too.
Another new standout in the rose garden.
The white delicate flowers of a false mallow plant. This is an annual, although it re-seeds itself generously, and makes a nice fill-in for the rose garden. It's also a good cutting flower.
A petite damselfly resting on an iris plant.
These blooms look like flames. I have no idea what this plant is, maybe you do? It was part of a hanging basket that I purchased - but no details came with the basket.
This delicious rose is a plant my step-mother sent me two years ago. It's really coming into its own. The scent is just as gorgeous as the blooms.
This is a Blaze of Glory climbing rose over one of the arbors. Very dependable and minimal trimming.
A sweet-smelling yellow mini rose. These minis bloom all summer.
I love the cross-dyed look of this delphinium. I have to stake them or they fall over.
This red lily is a mystery lily in the front foundation plantings. It blooms just once a year.
A first-bloom on a zinnia plant started from seed. Some of my zinnias became slug food and didn't make it.
A dependable flower for just about anywhere in the yard. I have pink snapdragons and yellow ones. No sign of yellow blooms yet.
This super red rose thrives in a neglected area of the yard near a lamp post. The color is wowza. The scent is zero. It has almost no scent.
The Hidcote lavender along the front walkway is starting to bloom. This is classified as a true English lavender and it has a stronger scent than the Munstead lavender plants in the yard. The Munstead lavenders aren't blooming yet.
The oriental poppy is blooming. This is a plant by daughter picked out at a local nursery a couple of years ago.
A spicy-scented rose in pale yellow.
Sweet snacks in the strawberry patch this time of year. These are ever-bearing so we can have a steady crop for the summer.
The cherry tomato plants are starting to bloom. Fingers crossed for the first crop in mid-July.
These are the blooms on garlic chives. When the blooming is over, I'll cut the chives down and they'll bloom again in a few weeks.
One of the baskets hanging from an arbor gate. Red wave petunias dominate this one.
A pink rose bud on one of my newer plants. This rose is highly scented and sweet.
Geum is sometimes called a Grecian Rose. It grows on a tall stem and the flowers range from reds and oranges to bright yellows. A good cutting flower. It's usually done blooming in late June. The leaves are mainly at the base. They stay green and look fern-like the rest of the year.